As an agency that represents technology vendors looking to break into a range of markets in the UK and Ireland, we know how important it is to be able to communicate effectively.

Almost half of the world’s population speak one of only 10 languages as their native tongue, with English in third behind Mandarin and Spanish.

But along with around 360 million native English speakers, you have to consider the roughly half a billion who speak it is a second language.

It’s relatively easy to learn and the global influence of the countries that use it natively – from the BBC World Service to Hollywood movies – means it’s no surprise that English has also become the language of business.

Even more interesting is how absorbent English is, taking words from other languages and cultures, or developing new versions like ‘Singlish’ in Singapore, ‘Taglish’ in the Philippines and ‘Spanglish’ in Mexico.

In our experience, the flexibility of the language has always been a great bonus, helping us develop our vendors’ opportunities and communicate business strategy effectively.

We’re looking forward to continuing the success story in 2017, and would also like to take this opportunity to wish all of our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!